Happy new Belpid 2014

Happy new Belpid 2014

Belpid likes to wish everyone happy holidays and a great new year. Looks like plenty of things will happen on our little label in 2014. Latvian Radio are mixing new songs, Un Rodo Cora are in Los Angeles mastering a new EP, and Stellan Wahlström Drift Band are getting...

New Un Rodo Cora EP due out in the beginning of 2014

Un Rodo Cora are now in the studio mixing the just finished recordings of a new four song EP to be called “The Perfect EP”. When that’s done they’ll take it to be mastered in Los Angeles and the release is planned to the beginning of 2014....
Latvian Radio live at the IPO Festival in Brooklyn Nov 15th

Latvian Radio live at the IPO Festival in Brooklyn Nov 15th

Latvian Radio will be playing at the International Pop Overthrow Festival which will be held at Bar Matchless (557 Manhattan Ave) in Brooklyn November 13-17. It’s a cool festival with lots of great powerpop acts playing all night long. Latvian Radio will play...

Latvian Radio to appear at IPO Festival in NYC May 3rd

Finally the International Pop Overthrow Festival will take place in New York City. It’s a power-pop wet dream and will go on all week at the National Underground on 159 E. Houston St. Belpid Records own Latvian Radio will play Friday night at 7:30 pm sharp....